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Mining on Souls of Elysium

Souls of Elysium provides a new and interactive mining system. At start, you'll need to find a proper Pickaxe to mine through the ores you'll find all around the lands of Souls Of Elysium.

Mining is main way of getting material needed for equipment upgrades, it will also provide you with options to craft basic equipment (both on Rookgaard and Mainland), and earn some additional profit.

Mining Pick

Obtained from any tool's shop for 1500 gold pieces, or by completing Gilion's Quest on top of a mountain in Kazordoon (farms area).

Let's go mining. At the start you only have access to copper ore.

Simply right click the pickaxe, and left click the ore.

This can take several attempts, giving you small stones or nothing if you fail. But keep at it, eventually you will get an ore.

Note: Once you've completed Gilion's Quest, you'll be able to directly right click on the ores to mine them.

Ore types

There are different tiers of ores you can mine, based on what mining level you have. Ore Types breakdown:

Graphics Ore Type Mining skill
Copper ore 10
Iron ore 20
Coal 25
Gold ore 30
Mithril ore 30
Adamant ore 40
Runite ore 60
Magical ore 70

Where to mine?

But where do I find these ores???


Well, you can find them anywhere and everywhere. The higher tier the ore, the more dangerous a place it may be hiding. Copper ore can be found in plenty of areas accessible to newer players, such as minotaur tower, darashia/ankrahmun desert, or femur hills. Just to name a few.

In addition to the veins you can find out in the world, there are the mines. There are currently three mines, located in Kazordoon, Hellgate and Narnia.

Kazordoon Copper/Iron Mine

One floor below the depot and north of the tavern you can find the Kazordoon copper and iron mine. The entrance fee is 1000gp which will give you access to the infinite mine for an hour.

Exploring Kazordoon Copper/Iron Mine

Upgrading Pickaxe

The pickaxe can be upgraded at a crafting station. Each upgrade will increase the number of times a node is mined before having to click again. In addition, there is a chance of receiving more than one ore.

Pickaxe Bars Raw Resources Mining ticks Chance of additional ore
Copper 100 Copper Bars 200 Copper Ore, 100 Coal 2 1/8 = 12.5%
Iron 100 Iron Bars 100 Iron Ore, 100 Coal 3 1/7 = 14.29%
Gold 100 Gold Bars 200 Gold Ore, 300 Coal 4 1/6 = 16.67%
Mithril 100 Mithril Bars 100 Mithril Ore, 300 Coal 5 1/5 = 20%
Adamant 100 Adamant Bars 100 Adamant Ore, 600 Coal 6 1/4 = 25%
Rune 100 Rune Bars 100 Rune Ore, 800 Coal 7 1/3 = 33.33%

Mining Events

For every hit on an ore vein there is a chance to receive extra rewards or spawn a monster. Below is the formulas for each occurrence.

Explanation of multipliers:

Multiplier Description
vein_difficulty The mining level required to mine the ore vein. Copper 10, Iron 20, Coal 25 etc.
pickaxe_tier The tier of the pickaxe. Primitive is 1, Rune is 7.
mining_skill The mining skill level the player has.

Item Formula
Old Black Box 1 / (1500 - (10 * vein_difficulty + 40 * pickaxe_tier + 3 * mining_skill))
Quartz 2 / (1500 - (10 * vein_difficulty + 40 * pickaxe_tier + 3 * mining_skill))
Crystal Fossil 6 / (1500 - (10 * vein_difficulty + 40 * pickaxe_tier + 3 * mining_skill))
Monster 7 / (1500 - (10 * vein_difficulty + 40 * pickaxe_tier + 3 * mining_skill))

mining.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/20 11:50 by ov3r