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How to make screenshots
It's best that all screenshots are in same size, I recommend using Photopea as it's a free tool that is Photoshop based that allows you to set and crop images freely.
Often you'll be faced with road or path towards the quest or place you want to showcase, by pressing CONTROL+SHIFT+M you will open the minimap on full screen allowing you to have high quality map. What I also recommend is then zooming it in maximally, and then unzooming it X amount of times to showcase the area.
It allows you to showcase the location and then, usually full map-screen might be too big, so importing it into the editing software of your choice (or Photopea for my choice), I used 300px:158px
I used Blue circle to mark starting position, and white circle to mark next step position. Keeping same colour scheme and markers allows maps to be clearly understandable. Sometimes showing right path is also important, but it's still worth to keep the minimap clear and not scribble all over it.
Making a minimap right size
Open the, do not click open new project [On first open, you might need to accept/decline Cookie managment]
Go into your game, and by pressing CTR+SHIFT+M full screen your map, then position it at place you want to make screenshot of. Now take a screenshot of it.
Go back into photopea and CTR+V (Paste) it into this screen:
It should look like this, you might need to zoom-out to see whole screen. You zoom-out by holding ALT and spinning your wheel on your mouse.
Next we want to select CROPPING tool, from the tool-belt on the left side of screen.
Now with your crop selected, you'll see blue outline and lines on your image. If you hover your mouse over the white squares, you will be able to pull them with left-click and drag them down/up to make them match only the map part you want. Once you position your 'blue box' into area you want to include (or cut the areas you want to exclude) press enter to confirm.
After all that, you should be left with perfectly cut-out full screen map.
Now, all we have to do is click FILE in the left corner of the webpage, and 'Export as' button, and we select PNG.
Another window will pop-up, allowing us to change the name of the file, and change the export settings, such as Quality which we want to keep at 100% (to not lose the quality of the image). We will also want to UNCHECK the KEEP THE ASPECT RATIO button, it's the small chain between width and height. It'll allow us to select constant size, so our images are all the same.
Once we click save, the file will land into our download folder (or your own folder you selected in browser), while making google docs (or any other cloud doc type), it would be preferable if you uploaded it to imgur or any other cloud storage, or even google drive so we can put it more easily into finished wikia article.
Adding markers in Photopea
Let's start where left off just before we exported our minimap. Now, on the left side on tool-belt, we RIGHT click the small square, it's vector shape tool. We change it into Ellipse.
Next on the top, there will be a setting right near the shape icon, we want it to be set to SHAPE. It should be so by default, but we can click it to change it if it's not. We have settings we want to change, so our fill is NULL (crossed out white), and our Stroke which will be our border to be full colour (we can select any colour for now), after stroke colour we have number, that's the number that will influence our circle's width, set it to 10.
After pressing on either FILL or STROKE, there will be a small menu, allowing us to change colour. It'll showcase current selected type, and below it on STROKE, currently selected colour (we can click it and change it) or below it last used colours.
For start colour, I will select blue.
Then, I will click OK, to accept the colour. Now we have the tool selected so we can move our mouse mouse over to the minimap screenshot we have, and by dragging left click from point A to point B (whichever point) we will draw an ellipse. It'll freehand the ellipse, but that's not what we want. We want a circle. So now, we will free hand one, but while holding SHIFT, it'll then use A and B to 'square up' our circle making it perfect. Try it few times, you might not get it perfect first time, so remember CTRL+Z allows you to “go back” and CTR+Y allows you to “go foward” with actions you've already made. Remember that, while keeping shift pressed (not letting it go between next circle) will place them at same layer, which we don't want).
So once you drawn your first perfect circle on start, we can actually COPY the existing layer, by righting it and selecting “Duplicate layer”
Now, on the right side in Layers, there'll be two of those overlapping on themselves. So, we select the Shape 1 Copy, and we swap our tool to Move Tool, first option in tool-belt. Which then, allows us to move our move into the shape we created, left click ON IT (on the circle border) and move it to the place we want to move our second circle to.
Now, all we have to do is go back into Ellipse tool, while still being currently on copy layer, and on the top change the colour of STROKE to white.
Now, we just export it and…
Obviously, it came out looking a bit small. We've showed huge map area in a small screenshot. Adjusting circle size would be good idea, we also don't really need to show such a huge piece of map AND mark starting position, so let's do some adjusting… and finished product from export: