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Tasks on Souls of Elysium

Souls of Elysium task system is like nothing you've seen before, easy to use and includes more monsters than any other allowing you to repeat tasks for greater rewards and always expanding to add more and more creatures.

With our custom UI, you will be able to take tasks and finish them easier than ever, while keeping all things neatly tracked.

You can have up to 5 tasks at same time.

Some tasks reward Gold, other EXP and some both.

Task List

Task Locations

You will be able to take tasks in almost all major Cities

City Location
Rookgaard A house south west of the city. Requires level 10+ to enter.
Thais Above docks, east to ship on +1
Carlin East to the Depo on the roof.
Darashia South to the depo.
Venore Above the depo.
EdronBetween depo and Castle.
Ab'DendrielAt highest floor of Depo.
Ankrahmun North east from depo, above the fighting pits, on +1.
Kazordoon West of the depo.

Task UI

On Souls of Elysium task is given by Grizzly Adams (whom has mastered teleportation ability and quantum mechanics to appear in many places at once), just say hi → task and UI will open. Here, you'll be able to select active tasks, show those available to you, and also those you've finished. There's also search option if you cannot find what you are looking for at first glance.

Task Tiers

Once you've found the NPC and you've selected selected the task, you will be able to see each tier and track your progress towards next one.

Tiers start at 1 → and end at 3 [with possibility of someday being able to repeat them infinitely]

You'll also see next tiers, once you've completed a tier you'll be able to select next one, until third tier with progressively higher kill count and better rewards.


1) It's always worth to take more than 1 task, either to kill monsters on route or use spawn's full potential.

2) While doing other Tasks like Cipfried's and Leo's it's worth to take the same task from Grizzly to not waste any time redoing them.

3) Some tasks give EXP other gives GOLD and other's give both. In early levels it's often worth to go grab few kills off weaker monsters if you need some gold for easier start. Don't ignore a task because it's low level one, it may provide you more benefit than other ones!

These are task that fit each vocation. The tasks are not necessarily for power leveling but to give some suggestions. Experience per hour will vary a lot depending on equipment, skills etc.


Creature Level Exp/h Location
Heroes 150+ 1,6kk Edron Hero Cave
Vicious Squire
Renegade Knight
Vile Grandmaster
150+ 1,6kk East of Mount Sternum
Frost Dragons 150+ 2kk Okolnir, Chyllfroest (fullbox)




tasks.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/19 21:34 by suumpmolk