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Sword of Fury Quest

This quest is probably the most iconic and legendary quest in Rookgard.

  • Level Required: 0?
  • Level Recommended: (40+ with a team of 4+, 80+ if solo)
  • Reward: Rare Sword of Fury + 5 Teleport Scrolls
  • Prerequisites: Oracle and 400 Minotaur Mage kills
  • Monsters: Minotaur Mages, Fire Elementals, Enraged Minotaur Mage and Moohtant Guard

:!: If you don't want spoilers, don't continue reading below here.


Make sure you have finish que Oracle quest storyline, after that you will have to kill 300 Mino Mages in order to proceed to the quest.

:!: You will most likely need a destroy field rune. You can buy one from Marrow for 50k.

The way to the quest

First of all, reach Minotaur Hell, open the door of the mino mage spawn with the Blue Key obtained at the end of the Oracle quest.

Now head to the quest door on the north of the room cross it and go inside the TP.

The quest

Once inside the TP, you will find a green hexagonal tile on the floor, step on it to go back whenever you need.

To continue with the quest just follow the path until you find a red hexagonal tile before 3 pink stones blocking the path here:

Now, take the previous ramp and go north until you find many green tiles on the floor on your way. Be extremely careful because there are some lavaholes that might hit you really hard, so prepare to heal your self constantly (pikes, potions…)

There is a specific path you need to follow on the green tiles, if you step wrong you will be teleported to the beginning of the tiles, so be careful and watch the path in detail:

Once you cross all the tiles, you will (most likely) find an energy field. You need to destroy field on it to reveal a secret lever. Use the lever to remove 1 of the previous stones blocking the path.

Go back all the way until the pink stones with the red hexagonal tile, once there step on the second hexagonal tile, you will be teleported to the first. But from now on you can TP your self and cross the stones whenever you want without using the lever before.

Now continue the path, killing everything on the way (fire elementals and minotaur mages) until you reach 2 magic walls in the path:

Start hitting one of the magic walls, until you destroy it, then continue the path until you reach a dead end with a TP, get inside it:

At this point you will be on this room:

Once you clean the room, continue your journey by using the door on the left side of the room. You will be teleported to another room with an Enraged Minotaur Mage, be careful you will be hitted hard:

After killing the enraged minotaur mage, go north and step into the TP.

Final Room

You will be teleported to the final room with the Moohtant Guard. It behave similar to a Massive Minotaur Mage, since there is plenty space on the room it is advisable to use your best distance attacks to kill it:

Once you kill him you will find a TP on his dead body, go into it to collect your rewards.

At this point you will be on the most iconic and legendary island in Rookgard, the one with the Sword of Fury!!

Just click the 2 flames next to you to collect your rewards. To go back you have to use one of the Teleport Scrolls you have just get.

TIP: Sometimes there are some mobs on the other side of the island that will prevent you to use the teleport scroll, just be patient and if you have stealth ring on you consider using it to lose pz faster.

sword_of_fury.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/30 17:12 by ov3r