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Skeleton Archer access Quest

  • Level Required: 8
  • Level Recommended: 15+
  • Reward: Access to skeleton archers area.
  • Monsters: Skeleton, Witches…

:!: If you don't want spoilers, don't continue reading below here.


  • Find a stone (see image below) and either carry on your BP (780oz required) or push it on the floor to the quest

The way to the quest

This quest is located on the cave in the north-west part of Rookgaard here:

Once there, go down the hole, and follow these directions:

At the end of the path you will find a door. You will need Wooden Key 3704 to open it. Beware of the witch behind:

Now, go down by using the stairs on the LEFT side. You will face 3-4 witches, go south until you find a hole in the way, BUT DON'T GO DOWN YET!

If you are pushing the stone on the floor, throw it to the other side (like the image above). At this point is where 2 players are required, one should go down the hole and stay without moving, while the other rope the first player. First player will appear on the other side of the path (just where the stone is located).

Now, you can move to the spot marked in green, but DON'T GO UP

Throwing stone

To continue the quest, the stone you have been either pushing or carrying needs to be drop on the water, on the floor switch with the blue circle in the following image.

If you do it properly, you will see that the wall on your left will be removed (green circle).

Quest door

Now its time to reach that new hole in the wall and cross the quest door. Follow the way back until the door that you opened with the wooden key and go into the hole in the right side:

Once there cross the quest door, keep going south and go up on the stairs twice until you reach a small room with a Point of Interest and a door:

Step into the tile in front of the door and open it:

From now on, you will be able to open that door and access the skeleton archer area without doing the stone mechanic anymore.

skeleton_archer_access.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/18 09:56 by ov3r