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Diabolic Ghoul Quest

  • Level Required: 15?
  • Level Recommended: 15 - 20+
  • Reward: Gem Box and possible others.
  • Monsters: Rotworms, Skeletons, Ghoul and Diabolic Ghoul

:!: If you don't want spoilers, don't continue reading below here.

The way to the quest

This quest is located on the same room of the classic Katana Quest in Rookgaard.

1. Go to the tomb located here:

2. Once inside the cave, follow the way and go down in the next hole. Go to the right until you see the poison fields and cross them. Antidote runes might be helpful at this point.

3. Once there go down the hole on the right side, you will end into a room with an skeleton and a door. (Silver Key 2007 required to open the door)

4. Once on the ghoul room, find the lever on the north of the room (bit hidden by the white column) and use it. A hole in the first wall will be opened (this is the regular Katana quest)

5. Pick the floor on this specific tile:

6. Down you will find 3x Rotworms and a locked door. Open it with Cooper Key 3306, and use the lever. This will open the second wall, allowing you to reach the Ghoul.

7. Now you will have to kill ghouls until a Diabolic Ghoul spawns (to makes things faster you can use a Demonic vial). Be patient, this will take you some time. Once you have spawn a Diabolic Ghoul, kill it and put the dead body on the counter at the end of the room (pink circle of the image below)

8. Enter the TP, and collect the rewards after the quest door.

:!: Note 1: The TP only work by placing a Diabolic Ghoul body, not regular ones neither Demonic Ghouls.

:!: Note 2: Make sure you meet the level requirement (15?) otherwise you won't be able to collect the rewards after the TP.

ghoul_quest.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/14 12:59 by ov3r