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Fishing on Souls of Elysium

Souls of Elysium provides a new and semi-interactive fishing system for players to obtain food and Health/Mana items!

  • Right click the water around a dock to fish!
  • You start off with a base of 4 repetitions and you will gain 1 more automatic attempt for each 9 fishing levels you gain.
  • While using a fishing license (see below) it provides an additional +8 to your repetitions.
  • While catching fish, you will gain a small amount of experience!
  • Additionally tiles near fishing will dispel and disable use of invisibility, so to remain unseen you need to move away from the dock tiles near fishing spots.

Something seems.. fishy.

  • You will not be able to catch anything before fishing level 20, but you will still earn fishing experience.
  • Your Fishing Skill Level and the Dock you are fishing at will determine what types of fish you pull up!
  • Depending on your vocation, you will receive different amounts from eating a fish, listed in the table below.

Fish type Mana fish gain Health fish gain
Sorcerer/Druid 100% 66%
Knight 66% 100%
Paladin 83% 83%


Mana Fish Level req Average Min Max Weight
Sea Turtle 90 204,6 166 250 ?
Sea Bass 70 130.18 93 160 3.00 oz.
Swordfish 51 78.75 60 100 3.00 oz.
Salmon 35 34.98 23 49 2.50 oz.
Health Fish Level req Average Min Max Weight
Manta Ray 90 246.57 207 293 ?
Shark 70 166.66 133 205 ?
Pike 40 85 67 103 3.00 oz.
Rainbow Trout 25 48.5 37 60 2.00 oz.
Snow Crab 35 39 28 50 3.80 oz.
Crab 20 23.5 17 30 1.00 oz.
Food Fish Level req Duration Regen/Oz Weight
Monkfish 90 20 min ? ?
Catfish 70 15 min ? ?
Kingfish 51 10 min 5 min 2.00 oz.
Silver Fish 25 5 min 1.79 min 2.80 oz.
Fish 20 ? ? 5.20 oz.
Miscellaneous Level req Weight
Casket 20 Contains gold and small gems 25.00 oz.
Blue Shimmering Pearl 20 Sells for gold 0.80 oz.


  • Right click water around a dock, and it will fish X amount of times, based on your skill level and fishing licenses (if unlocked).
  • 1 repetition is added every 9 skill levels.
  • 8 repetitions are added if you use a fishing license (one time use). Can be purchased for 100 points in the SOE store or bought from other players.

Why fish?

  • Free food! You get better food fish as your skill level increases as well.
  • Health/Mana Fish that act like stackable Health/Potions, alleviating the cost of supplies!

Fishing spots

  • There are 9 fishing spots scattered across the world. 4 Beginner, 1 Novice, 1 Intermediate, 2 Professional and 1 Master spot.

Rookguard [Beginner]

Fishing level –

Fish: Fish, Crab, Snow Crab

East of rook temple

Thais [Beginner]

Fishing level –

Fish: Fish, Crab, Snow Crab

Outside West gate, between city and lighthouse.

Venore [Beginner]

Fishing level –

Fish: Fish, Crab, Snow Crab

Out the Northwest exit, then North behind a small building.

Carlin [Beginner]

Fishing level –

Fish: Fish, Crab, Snow Crab

Near the magic shop, west to the boat.

Dwarf Bridge [Novice]

Fishing level 25+

Fish: Silver Fish, Rainbow Trout, Salmon

East side of the Northern side of the bridge.

Port Hope [Intermediate]

Fishing level 40+

Fish: Kingfish, Pike, Swordfish

North-Northwest of depot (follow Western coast to the North).

Ankrahmun [Professional]

Fishing level 70+

Fish: Catfish, Shark, Sea Bass

Exit the Ankrahmun by east gate, then follow the coastline. South-east from mountain pass to Darashia.

Jakundaf Desert [Professional]

Fishing level 70+

Fish: Catfish, Shark, Sea Bass

Go to Jakundaf Desert, and then follow any rivers around it, till you get to the south-western corner of the desert.

Fisherman Island [Master]

Fishing level 90+

Fish: Monkfish, Manta Ray, Sea Turtle

… Pack your favourite rod, get plenty of energy drinks and favourite chips and find out for yourself!

fishing.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/18 12:15 by theseahorse