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Elf Scout Boss Quest

  • Level Required: 20
  • Level Recommended: (20+ with a team)
  • Reward: Quiver? and others.
  • Monsters: Scorpions, Snakes and Malgath

:!: If you don't want spoilers, don't continue reading below here.

The way to the quest

This quest is located at the north part of the western side of the island after a hidden pickhole (use pick or multi-tool several times) on the sand here:

:!: Careful when going down, some scorpions might be lured and you will get high poison damage.

Once you go down the hole you will see a quest door for level 20, to reach the quest door you have to cross a bridge that will reset every day at server save. If you see the bridge, you can skip to the “After the quest door” section, if not continue reading.

Opening the bridge

Opening the bridge is simple, but be careful, you will find rotworms, scorpions and poison spiders on the way. Start by going down on the rotworms of the right side, and pick the secret hole.

Follow the path until the end and rope the hole:

Now, on the middle of the room, you will see a switch. Use it (→) to open the bridge, once the bridge is opened, it cannot be closed until the next server save, now head east and step into the tile, you will be on the entrance.

After the quest door

Once the bridge is opened, just go through the quest door follow the path and go down the hole. Follow the path (there is only one way) until you reach to the end.

Here there are 2 ways to continue, once you choose one you cannot go back, the exit will teleport you to the city and if you wanna go the other one you have to start from the beginning:

  1. Enter the Elf Scout area (step into the blue circle)
  2. Go to Elf Scout Boss, this is the one for this quest, step into the water after cutting the grass (red circle)


After stepping into the water tile, you will be teleported to a room with Malgath, the Elf Scout boss.

TIP: In case of troubles you can escape through the teleport on the south of the room.

Once you kill Malgath, a teleport will appear on his dead body, step into it and collect your rewards:

Now take the teleport and you will be on the city temple.

elf_scout_boss.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/13 18:20 by ov3r