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Challenge of Elysium II

Level Required: 40

Level recommended: 60+

Items Required: None

Rewards: Gem box, Giant Sword, 85 000 experience

Location: Venore Dragon Lair

Monsters: Enraged Elf, Enraged Elf Scout, Enraged Elf Arcanist, Enraged Dwarf Guard, Enraged Dwarf Geomancer, Enraged Lizard Sentinel, Enraged Dragon, Enraged Fire Devil, Diabolic Imp, Revenant.

You will face a lot of monsters and a final boss. Bring a team!

Go to the Venore Dragon Lair and take the stairs marked with a circle.

Follow the next path:

After the 8th step you will find a stairs. CARE!! There is no way back after going down.

Be prepared to face the boss Revenant.

When Revenant its death go inside the teleport that will appear. You are done with the challenge.

In the next room you will find:

10:56 You have found 1 gem box, and gained 45000 experience.
10:56 You have found a rare giant sword, and gained 40000 experience.
coeii.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/02 12:48 by yuan_laporta