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The Blind Orc

The Blind Orc is the Orc boss in Rookgaard. It spawns randomly (tipically only 1 per day)

  • Prerequisites: None


The Blind orc spawn inside the troll cave of Rookgaard here:


Treat it like a Diabolic Minotaur, at lvl 20+ you should be able to kill The Blind Orc easily just keep an eye on your HP and heal frequently.

He throws some magic and hit from range so be careful. You can kill him either melee or with distance weapons (preferable).

There is some space on the room to run around while shooting.


The Blind Orc loot may vary from some platinum coins, gold ingot, etc.

blind_orc.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/30 17:23 by ov3r