
Souls of Elysium features a unique Dungeon system allowing players to queue into an instanced dungeon, fight monsters and hunt down a boss for rewards! Be careful as it features strong monsters and dangerous areas!

Dungeons can be done solo, or in a party and offer a variety of rewards!

Dungeons, Levels and Rewards

Name Minimum level Recommended level
Rockfall Dungeon 25 40+
Swamplands Dungeon 30 50+
Catacombs Dungeon 40 60+
Ice Island Dungeon 40 60+
Northern Glacier Dungeon 45 80+
Factory Dungeon 50 100+
Sandfire Dungeon 50 100+
Kazordoon Under Siege Dungeon 80 120+
Water Dungeon 85 140+
Hollow Earth Dungeon 85 140+