====== Fiery Bow Quest ====== This quest is probably one of the most challenging quest in Rookgard but the reward is worth the risk. * Level Required: 35 * Level Recommended: (40+ with a team of 4+, 80+ if solo) * Reward: Rare Fiery Bow * Monsters: Stone Golems, Fire Devils, Fire Elementals (possible Demonic / Diabolics of the previous ones) {{:rook_fiery_bow.png?500|}} :!: **If you don't want spoilers, don't continue reading below here.** ---- ===== The way to the quest ===== === TIP: If you have access to the Rookgard Castle house, you can skip to step 5 by using the teleport of the house. If not, keep reading! === To reach the quest final room you need to walk through some caves, follow this path carefully: 1. Enter the bear cave, on the east part of rookgard: {{:rook_fiery_path_entrance.jpg?200|}} {{:rook_bear_cave.png?500|}} 2. Head south-east and go down the hole {{:2.png?400|}} 3. Cut the grass on the way (scythe or multi-tool), follow the path and reach the dead dragon body. (Legion Helmet quest) {{:rook_dragon_body.png?600|}} 4. Follow these paths, you will find some Stone Golems on the way. {{:rook_fiery_path1.png?200|}} {{:rook_fiery_path2.png?200|}} 5. At this point you will reach a room with 8 Stone Golems, go carefully and climb the hole in the middle. {{:rook_fiery_path_5.jpg?200|}} {{:undefined:rook_sg_room.jpg?600|}} 6. Follow these path, now you will face some Fire Devils on the way, watch out! {{:rook_fiery_path3.png?200|}} {{:rook_fiery_path4.png?200|}} {{:rook_fiery_path5.png?200|}} 7. On this level you will face 1-2 Fire Elementals with some Fire Devils. Cross the fire fields at the end, pick the hole and go down {{:rook_fiery_path6.png?200|}} {{:rook_fiery_pick.jpg?800|}} 8. Follow the path, now you will encounter some Fire Elementals on the way. At the end of the level you will find the quest level door (Level 35) and a Point of Interest, don't forget to get it! {{:rook_fiery_path7.png?200|}} {{:rook_fiery_entrance.jpg?800|}} ===== The Final room ===== The final room is after the teleport. **Be sure that you have enough supplies and a strong team, THERE IS NO WAY BACK.** Once you enter the TP you will either die or finish the quest. You will be teleported to a room with many Fire Devils, Stone Golems and Fire Elementals. Try to kill everything while you move through the room. Is a one-way path. {{:rook_fiery_final_room_start.jpg?800|}} At the end of the path you can collect your rewards on the chest. The blue flames will teleport you out to the city temple. {{:rook_fiery_reward.jpg?800|}} > **TIP:** Fire Devils and Stone Golems don't see invisible players, you can use a Stealth ring to reduce the risk of death on the final room since only Fire Elementals are going to hit you.